When it comes to the human experience there is no one right way to achieve wellness. The goal of life is to live meaningful, satisfying days, which seems quite simple and obvious, but we are often confounded and stuck because of past patterning, current grief and a whole lot of years of layering on stories that are simply not true. Not to mention we live in a material world that provides us with endless distractions.
I work with people in a variety of ways, often integrating spiritual counseling, channeling the wisdom of those who have left the embodied experience and good old-fashioned strategizing: Where are you now? Where do you want to be? How can we get you there? Our goal is to help you move through and beyond the stuck places and into a life that holds purpose and meaning.
I do this work in person in my office in Saratoga Springs, New York or online, on a donations basis.
Spiritual Mediumship
There was a time when the seers and oracles of society were integrated into peoples’ daily lives and sought for their wisdom and skills. Today we have marginalized these people as odd or even scary, or we turn them into entertainers, thinking it quite fun that they can draw down information about people we love who have died. The truth is that everyone has psychic capabilities, but we lose touch with them as we grow older and begin the arduous and exhausting process of trying to fit in.
Life and death exist on a continuous spectrum. We come in and out of body and spirit condition, remaining true to our core consciousness as we go. It is our soul’s task to evolve as we encounter the challenges of the human realm. Death is a transition that allows us to restore, review and prepare for the next incarnation.
Those who have left the embodied condition offer to us an expanded view of life. We would be foolish not to try to access this wisdom.
“Melissa possesses a gift that is profound. She has been able to reconnect me to my late husband and give me the peace of mind knowing he is safe, happy and healthy again in the spirit world. ”
“Melissa is a wise and brave soul. She lives her life in service to both her intuitive gifts and to those who may benefit from her gifts and wisdom. In a culture that suppresses grieving and fears death, Melissa’s work is a radiant light”
Spiritual Care
Spiritual well-being has been, for centuries, erroneously relegated to the religious realm. Seen as the work of priests and church communities, care of the soul has been neglected and we see the results of this in our confusion about why we’re here, our lack of self worth and our fear of death. Spiritual health is inextricably connected to mental, emotional, social, and physical health. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with living a healthy, purposeful, meaningful, satisfying life.
End of Life Care and Support
Death is as radiant and important a process of birth, but we tend to outsource it, ignore it, fear it and get very angry about it. We are all going to get there eventually, so let’s invite the conversation into the room. When we live conscious and aware we are able to die conscious and at peace, but that doesn’t happen very often. I’ve trained in hospital and hospice chaplaincy and sat in the company of the dying so many times I’ve lost track. I am here to shift the narrative around death and happy to companion you and your family in any way you need when you get there.
“Thank you so much for taking time to meet with me and share your gift. My heart is feeling at peace, like I’ve been sitting in a spiritual hot tub. You offered some great wisdom and guidance from my dad and from your experience with hospice, and was just what I needed.
Weddings and Memorial Services
My experience with Melissa was incredible. When I met her I felt like I’ve known her for years, she is so down to earth, inviting, and thoughtful. She made my big day fall into place perfectly. She got to know us enough to really make it so incredibly special.”